Power Prayers & Declarations For Help (Day 3)

Power Prayers & Declarations For Help (Day 3)

By: Prophet Oluwole Tayo, of The Christ Main Mission in Akure, Nigeria.

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Tonight, we continue our week of praying for God’s help and mercy. Mighty is the Lord to do more than we can hope or imagine. Ensure to pray each prayer point very well and at least three times.

Prayer Points:

Let’s pray,

Give God praise and thanks.

Cry to God and say, “Father, there may be a sin that runs in our lineage, committed in the past. Or there is an error in my hand that I don’t know. God arise in the abundance of your mercy and forgive.”

God, please advise and show me mercy.

God I ask for forgiveness. Please forgive me.

God of the universe, please have mercy on me in Jesus’ name.

Father, if you delay, something else will happen to me. Arise Rock of Ages, make haste to help me.

Read Psalm 71 verse 12. “Oh my God be not far from me. Make haste for my help.”

“Do not be far from me, my God;
    come quickly, God, to help me.”

I ask for help for my healing. Arise, my God and Father. I cry for help.

I ask for help for instant healing. Delay is dangerous. Make haste to help me or Lord.

Read Psalms 3:1-3. Arise or God and help me.

1 Lord, how many are my foes!

    How many rise up against me!
Many are saying of me,
    “God will not deliver him.”

But you, Lord, are a shield around me,
    my glory, the One who lifts my head high.

Father, many are saying no one can help. So father, please make haste to help me.

Be blessed!




May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us now and forever more, amen.



Today’s word is brought to you by Prophet Oluwole Tayo.

Pastor of The Christ Main Mission Church in Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria – he is a powerful force for God. Prophet Tayo is a faithful shepherd to his flock both in Nigeria and internationally. This humble servant of God serves without seeking reward and is a David of his time.

Facebook: Oluwole Tayo Profile Page


Contact Prophet Oluwole Tayo


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Minister Denise N. Fyffe is a devoted Christian, author, editor, and passionate servant of the living God. Her journey with Christ began at a tender age when she wholeheartedly accepted Jesus as her Savior.

As the founding minister of Revealing the Christian Life Ministry, Denise endeavors to serve others and share the transformative power of God’s Word. Guided by the Holy Spirit, she engages in community outreach across borders and extends a helping hand to those in need. Her dedication to Christian mentorship empowers others to grow in their faith and discover their unique purpose in Christ.

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